No Better Friend

The protagonist in Ivan’s Wife, Dimitri, has a steadfast best friend named Christian. Christian is a strong, loyal friend who worries about Dimitri and often confronts him. In this excerpt, the friends have a difficult conversation. Christian’s reaction illuminates the depths of his own vulnerability. Dimitri expresses his disdain for therapy and medication, believing that he needs to avoid certain triggers in his life. Christian suggests that seeking help might benefit Dimitri, but their conversation becomes heated as Dimitri defends his position. Tensions rise between them as they confront their struggles and insecurities. The dialogue reveals underlying issues of fear for one another.
It starts with Christian asking Dimitri about his recent stay in a mental hospital:
Dimitri answers:
“No worse for wear. Anna’s been staying out of my hair, and Consuelo’s been trying to fatten me up. The doctors have called a few times, wanting me to schedule an appointment, but I don’t need to. I can already hear the lecture on the miracle of psychotropic drugs. A few days with my wife, and I’m better than new.”
Christian grew quiet, rubbing his forehead. “Dimitri, maybe that’s not such a good idea.”
“What’d you mean?”
“Therapy and medicine might help you, buddy.”
“Hell, no! Yeah, I’m screwed up, but I’m not a psycho. All I need is to steer clear of my weird niece and for my father to stop treating me like a goddamn disease.”
“Calm down,” said Christian. All I meant was that a lot has happened, and maybe this is your time to finally figure out what’s causing the delusions and whatnot. You can’t blame Ivan and Anna for everything, and Elena is not a panacea.”
“Bullshit!” I snapped. “My wife is pampering me. Being with her makes me forget the last few weeks. And when did you become Sigmund Freud? You had a Norman Rockwell childhood with two parents who adored you. Find a skid mark in your life, and then we’ll talk!”
A red flush spread across his face. He put his fists on his thighs, his chest slowly moving up and down. He reminded me of the poor saps at the asylum sitting in the waiting room before shock therapy. “Hey, I’m sorry, man…I didn’t mean anything. I can be an asshole. What can I do? I love you, man, you know that.”
He wouldn’t talk. The stress had built a nasty rash on his neck; I doubted he knew because he kept scratching it, which made it worse. I’d never seen Christian like that; it made me feel like a terrible friend.
He gave me a passing glance with a slight nod, signaling he accepted my apology. I felt like crap; Christian had visited me every day at Clayborn, and the nurses said he stood outside my room for hours when I was in solitary. There was no better friend. Christian was the saint to my devil. I loved the guy.